Dev Diary 11 - News

Since there are so many ways you can go about playing this game, there are a wide variety of messages the game might want to give the player. I could have a bunch of different places for messages to appear depending on what is going on, but instead opted for a single news feed that the player would have control of.

Again addressing the way that players will all play a bit differently, there is certain information that the news feed will give you that you simply don't care about. I'm going to go over the different options that the news feed can spit out, and what those options can mean for the way you play the game.

OPTIONS (What switching it on means)

-Manager Activity - Every day managers will sell the overstock that can't fit in the warehouse. This will show what was sold, where, and for how much. It will also tell you how much you are paying per day for your management force.

-Player Market Activity - This will just show your actions in the market. Anything you manually buy or sell will show up here.

-Market Fluxuations - Sometimes the market behaves in unexpected ways, and with this option on, you will see what happens in real time. I HIGHLY recommend always having this one on.

-Supply Auto-Purchases - This tells you any time aa building auto-buy's it's supplies. Great for figuring out where money deficits are coming from, but otherwise can be spammy.

-Imports Completed - This will tell you when a delivery reaches it's destination. Where it arrived, and what was on it.

-Exports Completed - This will tell you when a delivery departs from the exporting country. Where it is coming from, and what is on it.

-Import/Export Costs - Since all transport is chartered, the player has to pay for every day of usage. This will give you that cost every day.

-Import Taxes - All countries have import taxes, and when you start trading between countries, this number will tell you how much you are paying in import taxes.

-Export Taxes - Some countries have export taxes, and when you trade with other countries, this will tell you how much you are paying in export taxes.

-Power Sales - This will tell you how much you are making by selling excess power to governments.
-Loan Interest Payments - When you take out loans, you have to pay off the interest every day. This is totaled and shown in the news feed.

The game is not meant to have all of these news options turned on. It will move too fast to read with only a couple turned on. (In fact, there is a maximum speed that the news feed can churn, and if more news is happening than it can display, it will get behind and you'll be getting news that is several days old. (Or more, if you keep it on for a while.))

Because it would be easy for the news feed to get out of hand, it can only have 100 messages up at once. It will delete the oldest ones as they are replaced by new ones.

Also, if you missed some news, and the option to see it wasn't on, you won't be able to see it just by turning the option on. Once it has passed, it is gone.

This is due to news_manager I have in the game. Basically, if anything news worthy happens, it asks the news manager, "Hey, does the player want this information?". The news_manager, who has already loaded the config.ini says "yes", or "no". If yes, then it will pop the message to the news feed queue. If no, the event is skipped.

The news panel also houses the objectives panel, which I will go over at another time.


DD12: Saving & Loading

DD13: Finances

DD14: Objectives

DD15: New Game Options

DD16: ???


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